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EnglishThe Essence of Isra Miraj

The Essence of Isra Miraj

Isra Miraj is not a usual occurrence. From a divine perspective, it marks the divine might of Allah on the prophethood of Muhammad PBUH in fulfilling the mission of Islam.

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Isra Miraj was an extraordinary event if measured by the rationality of common man. Ummu Hani, the daughter of Abu Thalib, even asked Prophet Muhammad PBUH not to mention his experiences of “journeying overnight from Masjidil Haram grand mosque to Masjidil Aqsa grand mosque and then on through the seventh heaven to the Sidrat al-Muntaha [the tree at the end of the seventh heaven where Allah assigned the five daily prayers to Muhammad]”.

This was because the journey was empirically illogical and impossible, and there were concerns that the story would be rejected and the Prophet would be ridiculed by Arabs at the time. Nevertheless, the Prophet ended up telling the story of his journey to his people. The ignorant Arabs, who had rejected Muhammad’s claim of prophethood from the start, rejected him even more and accused him of not only telling lies but also of going mad. After Muhammad told the people of the Isra Miraj event, even some early Muslims renounced the religion. The position and struggle of the Prophet for the End Time became increasingly difficult.
