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More or Less Than a \'Spare Tire\'

The faces of party chairmen are adorned with big smiles and radiate joy whenever they meet President Jokowi. They are hoping to be invited to accompanying Jokowi in the upcoming presidential election.

Syamsuddin Haris
Β· 1 menit baca


The faces of party chairmen are adorned with big smiles and radiate joy whenever they meet President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo. They are hoping to be invited to accompanying Jokowi in the upcoming presidential election. Why is the candidacy for vice president much sought after when it is nothing more than a "spare tire"?

In a presidential system, a vice president is similar to a spare tire. As with the spare tires for motor vehicles, the vice president will serve only when the president is absent or incapacitated, either temporarily or permanently. Our 1945 Constitution adheres to this principle. The position of vice president is, relatively speaking not much different from that of Cabinet ministers.
