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English2014 Contest Set For Repeat

2014 Contest Set For Repeat

The Gerindra Party’s chairman, Prabowo Subianto, stated that he had accepted the party’s decision on his nomination to run in the 2019 election, potentially leading to a rerun of the 2014 presidential election.

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JAKARTA, KOMPAS — A Gerindra Party coordination meeting in Hambalang, Bogor, West Java was used by party chairman Prabowo Subianto to express his readiness to run in the 2019 presidential election. Prabowo made the statement after listening to and accepting the mandate from all Gerindra executives on the regional and central board who wanted him to run in the 2019 election.

“In his speech, Pak Prabowo said he accepted the mandate and would start building a coalition. Prabowo also ordered all cadres to work with the people,” said Gerindra secretary-general Ahmad Muzani.

Prabowo’s statement indicates the 2014 presidential election between himself and Joko “Jokowi” Widodo will potentially be repeated in 2019.
