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Research Creates Future Opportunities

The success of advanced nations in developing industry is supported by strong research and innovation. Indonesia is expected to be the equal of these countries by its centenary in 2045.

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Research, Technology and Higher Education Ministry research development director general Muhammad Dimyati (right) and Indonesia Scientists Association chairman and Eijkman Institute director Sangkot Marzuki (left) present their views during a discussion on a draft law on national science and technology systems at Kompas’ office in Jakarta on Friday. The discussion aimed to improve science and the technology ecosystem in Indonesia.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – The success of advanced nations in developing industry is supported by strong research and innovation. Indonesia is expected to be the equal of these countries by its centenary in 2045. However, the national system of science and technology, which serves as the foundation of research and innovation, remains poor.

“The establishment of a culture of science is absolutely necessary for the nation’s future. However, long-term commitment is needed,” Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI) chair Sangkot Marzuki said in a discussion on the bill on the national system of science and technology (RUU Sisnas Iptek) held by Kompas and AIPI in Jakarta on Friday (6/4/2018).
