Idle Capitation Funds Reach Rp 3 Trillion
Many people rely on the JKN program organized by the BPJS Kesehatan. However, existing funds have yet to be optimized. Idle funds have reached into the trillions of rupiah.
JAKARTA, KOMPAS – Capitation fund absorption in every community health center (Puskesmas) as the first-level healthcare facility is less than effective. Kompas investigation and Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) audit results on regional administrations’ financial reports across Indonesia in 2016 found Rp 3.02 trillion (US$211.4 million) of idle capitation fund at Puskesmas. In many Puskesmas, idle capitation funds can reach up to Rp 2 billion.
Between 2014 (when the JKN program was established) and 2016, BPJS Kesehatan disbursed Rp 30.5 trillion of capitation fund to 20,708 first-level healthcare facilities, including Puskesmas, general clinics, dental clinics and clinics run by private entities and the military/police.