Seven Years to Clean Citarum River
The Citarum River has been given an ultimatum: It must be clean in seven years. Soldiers from the Kodam III-Siliwangi Military Command, NGOs and members of society are joining up to clean the river.
The Citarum River has been given an ultimatum: It must be clean in seven years. Soldiers from the Kodam III-Siliwangi Military Command, NGOs and members of society are joining up to clean the river. The police and prosecutors are enforcing the law. However, without community participation, can the Citarum become fragrant and be managed sustainably?
Seven years. President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has set seven years as the target for restoring the Citarum River. "It\'s not too late to fix it. However, if we do not work fast, it will be too late," said the President.