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Deliberation of MD3 Law Careless

The stipulation to add three deputy speaker seats at the People’s Consultative Assembly in MD3 Law indicates that the law was deliberated carelessly and could potentially violate a Constitutional Court ruling.

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FOTO/Muhammad Adimaja

A plenary meeting on Wednesday (14/2/2018) at the House of Representatives in Jakarta was held to close the legislative session.

JAKARTA, KOMPASThe stipulation to add three deputy speaker seats at the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) in  Law No 2/2018 on MPR, House of Representatives (DPR), Regional Representatives Council (DPD) and Regional Legislative Council (DPRD) – MD3 Law – indicates that the law was deliberated carelessly and could potentially violate a Constitutional Court ruling.

Nevertheless, a joint meeting of MPR leaders on Wednesday (21/3) in Jakarta with political factions and the DPD at the MPR agreed that three new deputy speakers of the MPR would be inaugurated on Monday (26/3). The three deputy seats are granted to the PDI-P, Gerindra and the National Awakening Party (PKB) factions.
