Horizontal and Vertical Emergency
The emergency situation Indonesia faces concerning drugs is not only spread out horizontally in the extent of its reach, but also vertically due to the way of its distribution.

Police officers weigh sabu (crystal methamphetamine) at the National Police Criminal Investigation Department’s (Bareskrim) narcotics unit in Cawang, East Jakarta, on Tuesday (27/2). Police officers and customs and excise officials arrested four suspects and seized 1.6 tons of crystal meth on board the fishing boat MV Min Lian Yu Yun 61870, which had departed from Lian Ziang Port, China.
The emergency situation Indonesia faces concerning drugs is not only spread out horizontally in the extent of its reach, but also vertically due to the increasingly addictive and sophisticated way of its distribution.
Every time we read the news "Indonesia in drug emergency", we are shocked. First, there is always a jolt when imagining how devastating the effects of a drug emergency would be, the rising number of victims, also the bleak future. On the other hand, there is also anger and curiosity. The emergency drug situation is not a new issue because it has existed since the era of former president Soeharto\'s rule.