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Social Entrepreneurship: Concrete Solution to Intolerance

Young Muslims of the millennial generation are forming a social movement to promote tolerance and peace. The movement is expected to be accompanied by social empowerment initiatives.

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Kompas/Sonya Hellen Sinombor

High school and university students from the Interfaith Youth Harmony Alliance (Akapela) attend the Conference of Youths for Change in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, on Tuesday (17/1). The event was organized by the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (Oxfam) Indonesia, the Women’s Legal Aid Foundation (LBH APIK) in West Nusa Tenggara and the Indonesian Tunas Alam Foundation in West Nusa Tenggara, among other organizations.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – Young Muslims of the millennial generation (those born between 1980 and 1995) are forming a social movement to promote tolerance and peace.

The movement is expected to be accompanied by social empowerment initiatives for young people. Approaches that overly emphasize ideological aspects are ineffective as a solution for the millennial generation. Concrete action with real social impact is necessary.
