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EnglishMagellan and Tidore, Where...


Magellan and Tidore, Where East Met West

This article aims to summarize the substance of the writer’s paper, as well as thoughts and ideas, as presented during the seminar on “Tidore-Ternate, the East-West Meeting Point of Civilization”.

Susanto Zuhdi
· 1 menit baca
Kompas/A Ponco Anggoro

Tidore Palace, the center of Tidore Sultanate in North Maluku. Photo taken on January 2018.

Ahead of the 500th anniversary of the first world explorer, Fernan Magellan, which will be held by the Kingdom of Spain in 2021, the Tidore Islands city administration organized a national seminar on Feb. 12 in Soasio in collaboration with the National Art and Culture Committee.

Themed “Tidore-Ternate, the East-West Meeting Point of Civilization”, the seminar took an in-depth look at the value and spirit of the spectacular historic event as inspiration and motivation for designing and boosting the future development of eastern Indonesia, particularly Tidore.


Versi cetak artikel ini terbit di harian Kompas edisi di halaman 6 dengan judul "Magellan dan Tidore: Titik Temu Timur-Barat".

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