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Government Evaluates Sea Toll Tenders

The government is evaluating 50 percent of sea toll transportation tenders.

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Kompas/Fransiskus Pati Herin

Goods are loaded onto a motorboat on Sunday (28/1) for distribution using the sea toll route from Saumlaki City to Selaru Island in West Maluku Tenggara regency, Maluku. Although the goods were transported under the sea toll program, their prices remain high.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS โ€” The government is evaluating 50 percent of sea toll transportation tenders. In the future, the tenders will no longer be on transportation, but on container volume, which will be adjusted according to the needs of the destination ports. With this approach, it is believed that efficiency will increase by 30 percent from the previous method.

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi made the statement on Monday (5/2) at the Presidential Office in Jakarta. According to Budi, through this measure, the government will no longer need to bear the costs of the vesselsโ€™ return journeys.
