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Millennial Generation’s Housing Strategy

After they buy a house, another problem appears: the new house, located far from the office, makes millennials work to find a new strategy.

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Kompas/Raditya Helabumi

Wily, 29, works on his laptop on Saturday (27/1) at the Grand Palm Residence in West Jakarta. The millennial man, who is single and works at an e-commerce company, bought the apartment unit both as a place to live and as a personal investment.

Buying a home in the suburbs brings with it a new problem, that of commuting to the office. Eventually, many choose to rent a house or an apartment near their workplace.

The skyrocketing housing prices in big cities makes productive-age people move to the suburbs. They seek to find a way to buy a house at an affordable price. However, after they buy a house, another problem appears: The new house, located far from the office, makes millennials work to find a new strategy.
