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Englishβ€ΊWhisper of the Gayo People to ...

Whisper of the Gayo People to Nature

When the man whispers, nature listens. That\'s when the \'tulak bele\' (to get rid of dangers) ritual is held.

Zulkarnaini, Irma Tambunan, Nikson Sinaga
Β· 1 menit baca

People take part in a bad luck prevention ritual in Gunung Suku village, Lut Tawar district, Aceh Tengah regency, on Sunday. The ritual, which involves asking the Creator for protection from various disasters, is part of the Gayo Coffee Harvest Festival.

There is a close relationship between man and nature in Gayo, Aceh. Due to their persistence in caring for nature, produce is abundant. When the man whispers, nature listens. That\'s when the tulak bele (to get rid of dangers) ritual is held.

Hundreds of residents flocked to a primary school in the village of Mount Suku, Rawe district, Central Aceh regency, on Sunday afternoon in mid-December last year. The heat of the day did not restrain the enthusiasm of the people. The school\'s yard was full. They intended to hold an important event called tulak bele, a ritual specially held to get rid of dangers.
