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Nation Not a Dice for Electoral Politics

A regional election that is free from identity politics, free from money politics and free from commotion is the hope of all stakeholders.

J Kristiadi
Β· 1 menit baca
Kompas/Wisnu Widiantoro

A large banner for the 2018 concurrent regional elections is displayed at the General Election Commission (KPU) building in Jakarta on Saturday (17/6). The regional elections on June 27 will be held in 17 provinces, 115 regencies and 39 cities across Indonesia.

From the perspective of nation- and state-building, Indonesia is defining itself as a dignified nation through the simultaneous regional elections. However, realizing the noble ideal requires traveling down a winding road. Political contests should be accompanied by high sportsmanship. Nevertheless, the 2018 regional elections are overshadowed by the 2017 Jakarta gubernatorial election, which was tainted with political rhetoric and demagogy, as well as highly divisive and pointed identity politics.

Yet, several individuals have openly suggested that the same strategy used in the Jakarta gubernatorial election, mainly in high population areas, also be used to win the 2018 regional elections. If such a strategy worked, perhaps it could be applied to the simultaneous regional elections and in the 2019 presidential election.
