Former Migrant Worker Earns Doctorate
Nuryati Solapari is a portrait of the resilience of those who come from poor families and succeed in realizing their dreams.
Nuryati Solapari, 38, is a portrait of the resilience of those who come from poor families and succeed in realizing their dreams. Formerly a migrant worker in Saudi Arabia, she earned a doctoral degree and worked in a variety of jobs. Nuryati also pays great attention to the fate of Indonesian migrant workers (TKI).
Nuryati just received a guest on Tuesday afternoon (9/1) in her office at the Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) office in Serang, Banten. In the neat office, she carries out its activities as the divisional coordinator for Inter-Bawaslu Agency Prevention and Relationships in Banten. "I was named a member of the Banten Bawaslu in Jakarta in October 2017," she said.