Difficult Pairing Decisions in East Java
Deciding on candidate pairs to run in the East Java regional election has proven to be a difficult task.
General Elections Commission (KPU) chairman Arief Budiman (right) accompanies KPU commissioner Hasyim Asy’ari (center) in greeting representatives of the PIKA Party, Idaman Party, PPPI Party, Rakyat Party, Parsindo, Bhineka Party and Republic Party on Tuesday (9/1) in the Bawaslu assembly room, Jakarta. The KPU appeared as the respondent in Thursday’s adjudication of an election dispute that was filed by the seven parties.
JAKARTA, KOMPAS – Deciding on candidate pairs to run in the East Java regional election has proven to be a difficult task. The Great Indonesian Movement (Gerindra) Party, National Mandate Party (PAN) and Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) will decide on a candidate pair to be nominated for the province on Wednesday (10/1), which is the last day for candidate registration.
Today, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) will also announce its deputy governor candidate to run with Saifullah Yusuf. Today, the registration for candidate pairs will be open until 12:00 a.m. local time.