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Women Risk Their Lives at Sea

Women on the northern coast of Central Java go fishing with their husbands to help meet the financial needs of their families.

Aditya Putra Perdana
Β· 1 menit baca
Kompas/Aditya Putra Perdana

Siti Darwati, 36 (left), a fisherwoman from Dukuh Tambak Polo, along with her husband Musakori, 36 (center), hunt for crab and fish on Friday (22/12/2017) in the waters off Purworejo village in Bonang district, Demak regency, Central Java.

Women on the northern coast of Central Java go fishing with their husbands to help meet the financial needs of their families. In fact, the women have also become the backbone of the family. Now they are fighting for their rights as fisherwomen.

While many women are working in factories, the women on the northern coast of Demak, Central Java, chose to become fisherwomen. They fish together with their husbands, risking their lives in the middle of the ocean to support their families. Ironically, the profession of the brave women as fisherfolk has not been recognized.
