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Echoes of Coral Reef Conservation

The Karang Lestari Foundation has worked with local communities for 20 years to protect the waters and build biorock installations.

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Kompas/Ferganata Indra Riatmoko

A diver swims past one of the many statues used as part of the Bio Rock projectโ€™s coral reef conservation efforts off Pemuteran village beach in Gerokgak district, Buleleng, Bali, on Saturday (28/10). The site is also a marine tourist attraction.

Waves crashed onto the shore as day turned into dusk and I Gede Wahyu Sena Wisesa walked toward the sea on Nusa Penida, Bali, on Wednesday (25/10/2017).

Together with five French volunteers, Gede Wahyu swam with his snorkeling equipment away from the shore. The volunteers from non-governmental organization Coral Guardian brought along pieces of broken coral, knives and rope for coral transplantation.
