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Ensure Rice Stock Safe and Affordable

Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman guaranteed a safe stock of rice for up to six months.

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Kompas/Totok Wijayanto

Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman (left) visits the Cipinang Central Rice Market, Jakarta, Monday (4/12). The visit was made to survey rice stocks following natural disasters in a number of regions.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – The increasing price of rice and the decreasing procurement of state logistics agency Perum Bulog may indicate that all production has been absorbed by the market. The government must ensure the availability and affordability of rice stock.

Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman guaranteed a safe stock of rice for up to six months. The statement was made by Amran during a sudden inspection at the Cipinang Rice Wholesale Market (PIBC) in East Jakarta on Monday.
