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Maintaining Harmony at Borobudur

The friendliness of local residents was real. If they did not express their support, they just simply smiled or greeted.

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Kompas/Ferganata Indra Riatmoko

Members of the Bank Jateng Borobudur Marathon 2017 organizing committee carry out a route check for the 21-kilometer category marathon in Borobudur district, Magelang regency, Central Java, Friday (17/11). The route check was done to ensure that the information boards giving route directions, as well as other infrastructure, was ready to be used by participants in the race,  which will be held on November 19, 2017.

There was a cool breeze around the farmland and streets in Gopalan hamlet, Borobudur village, Magelang, Central Java, following light rain in the morning. Rain had been felt since Thursday (16/11) morning in Magelang and its surrounding areas.

Fog continued to cover Menoreh hill. Rice fields were seen in the distance on the left side. In the south, Borobudur temple was visible. Several residents rushed to get on their bicycles and greet the runners, who that morning, tried the track for the 10-kilometer Bank Jateng Borobudur Marathon (BJBM) 2017 slated for Sunday morning.
