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EnglishKPK Will Ask for Assistance...

KPK Will Ask for Assistance from IDI

The KPK plans to ask for assistance from the Indonesian Doctors Association to check the condition of House Speaker Setya Novanto’s health.

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Kompas/Danu Kusworo

Fredrich Yunadi, a lawyer of House of Representatives speaker Setya Novanto, showing photos of Setya being treated at the Medika Permata Hijau hospital, on Thursday (16/11) night. Setya Novanto, who has been named a suspect in the electronic ID card graft case and is wanted by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), was injured in a car accident in the Permata Hijau area.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) plans to ask for assistance from the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) to check the condition of House Speaker Setya Novanto’s health after he was involved in a car accident in Jakarta on Thursday night.

However, the accident will not affect Setya\'s legal process. Setya, a suspect in the case of massive graft surrounding procurement in the national electronic identity card (e-ID) project, was admitted to Medika Permata Hijau Hospital, Jakarta, after being involved in the accident in Permata Hijau, South Jakarta.
