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Ministerial Team to Inspect Southeast Sulawesi

Ministerial team will soon survey the environment in Southeast Sulawesi, which has reportedly been damaged by nickel mining activities.

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Kompas/Abdullah Fikri Ashri

Children in Hakatutobu village, Pomalaa district, Kolaka regency, Southeast Sulawesi, play in muddied water on Friday (3/11). The fishing area is located near a nickel mining site.

KENDARI, KOMPAS β€” A team from the Environment and Forestry Ministry will soon survey the environment in Southeast Sulawesi, which has reportedly been damaged by nickel mining activities. If there has been a violation of the law, the perpetrators will be prosecuted.

Environment and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya Bakar made the statement when asked about nickel mining in Southeast Sulawesi on Monday (6/11). Siti said Law No. 32/2009 on environmental protection and management stipulated sanctions for those proven guilty of causing contamination, environmental damage and social anxiety.
