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EnglishWater Loan Connects Villagers ...

Water Loan Connects Villagers to Life’s Source

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Kompas/Aditya Putra Perdana

Residents of Jamus in Mangin village, Grogoban regency, Central Java, collect water from pipes to which water flows from the village’s main water source, on Wednesday (27/9). The pipes have been used in the last two months while the village waits for the construction of a water tank. Every dry season, residents previously had to find sources of water by themselves in the forest.

It used to be that, every time the dry season arrived, the villagers of Grobogan regency, Central Java, had no access to clean water. However, the villagers now have a new lease on life. The availability of microcredit loans for water infrastructure from rural banks has washed away the villagers’ sense of hopelessness.

It was in the afternoon on Wednesday (27/9/2017) when Sumardi, 34, filled a bucket with water flowing from the PVC pipe in Jamus hamlet of Mangin village, Karangrayung district, Grobogan. Beside him, other residents were filling their own buckets with water from the pipe, measuring 10 centimeters in diameter.
