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Evacuees Facing More Uncertainties

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Kompas/Bahana Patria Gupta

Evacuees of Mount Agung return to their homes in Banjar Benekasa, Muncan village, Selat district, Karangasem regency, Bali, Friday (6/10). Those that had evacuated to Banjar Gunung Hyang, Semarapura subdistrict, Klungkung, returned to the village after it was assured that it was not included in the KRB zone, which is predicted to be affected by the predicted Mount Agung eruption.

KLUNGKUNG, KOMPAS â€” Some of Mount Agung\'s evacuees in Bali have been hit by uncertainties. The extension of the duration of the state of emergency has not been properly informed to the public.

According to Kompas’ observation, most of the evacuees in a number of evacuation posts in Karangasem and Klungkung on Friday (6/10) did not know the duration of the emergency status, which had been extended until Oct. 16, 2017.
