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Threat of Radicalism among the Millennial Generation

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The term “millennial generation” was popularized by William Strauss and Neil Howein 1987. This generation was born in the early 1980s, went to preschool and was spoken of as the generation of the new millennium when they graduated senior high school in the 2000s.

The millennial generation, or Generation Y – also called Generation Me or the Echo Boomers – indeed cannot be separated from gadgets and social media. And technology has become one of its characteristics.

Its correlation with the drive to search for identity and ego – the predicate that must be borne by an individualistic, even antisocial generation – is because the millennial generation is super-active in the cyber world. Erik Erikson (1959) had a theory of developmental psychology that the 16-30 year age range constituted a transition from adolescence to mature adulthood, characterized by the formation of role and identity (Neil J Salkind, An Introduction to Theories of Human Development, 2004).
