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Indonesia Sees Increase in Fishery Resource Potential: Susi

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Kompas/Adi Sucipto

The scene at a fish auction in Palang, Tuban regency, East Java, Tuesday (8/8). Fishermen in Palang, most of whom use cantrang (kind of Danish seine net) as a catching tool, have asked the government to review the planned ban on cantrang to be implemented at the end of 2017 as they fear that it may reduce their catch. Meanwhile, other fishermen agree with the ban to protect the fish population.

BANDUNG, KOMPAS – Improvement in Indonesia’s fishery management has effectively increased the country’s fishery resource potential. This serves as a strong foundation for Indonesia’s effort to realize its vision of becoming the world’s maritime axis.

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti reaffirmed this in her general lecture at Sasana Budaya Ganesha hall, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in Bandung on Friday (18/8/2017).
