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Challenges toward the Golden Generation

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The visionary jargon of "Golden Generation toward Great Indonesia" may only be a part of historical documents. We were once determined to "take off", but has that happened yet? Not yet!

To welcome the 100th year of Indonesian independence with its demographic bonus,  the determination to realize the golden generation in 2045 requires hard work. The golden generation is a not a generation that has a lot of gold, but a competitive generation. To what extent and how many children of the nation comprehend, are committed and consistent to realize the golden generation? We all need to comprehend that other nations also touch up  their competitive generation. Speed and acceleration in the race to realize the competitive generation becomes keys of success.

Most people, even leaders and teachers, are still shackled by the sparkle  of a country that is rich in oil and abundant in natural resources. Many of them do not realize that those who enjoy our natural resources can possibly be the people of Singapore China, Japan, America or Europe. As an example, Wikipedia discloses that Saudi Arabian oil company Aramco booked revenues of US$478 billion in 2015, but  three giant oil companies belonging to China booked $1.251 billion in the corresponding period. Meanwhile, state-oil company Pertamina only booked $70 billion. In the past, natural resources were enjoyed by people in the surrounding areas. Now, the people in the surrounding areas only become spectators.


Versi cetak artikel ini terbit di harian Kompas edisi di halaman 6 dengan judul "Tantangan Menuju Generasi Emas".

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