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Indonesian Diversity Serves as Asia’s Strength

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Kompas/Aloysius Budi Kurniawan

Vice President Jusuf Kalla, Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, Youth and Sports Minister Imam Nahrawi, Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Ignasius Jonan, cardinals and bishops, as well as members of the Yogyakarta Leaders Council greet participants of the Asian Youth Day 2017 in the closing ceremony of the AYD at the Dirgantara Air Force Academy Field, Yogyakarta, Sunday (8/6). The AYD event in Indonesia serves as a good opportunity to promote and showcase Indonesia’s diversity and its spirit of tolerance amid various differences.

YOGYAKARTA, KOMPAS – Indonesia’s diverse ethnicities, cultures and religions, supported by a high level of tolerance, impressed the thousands of participants hailing from 22 Asian countries during Asian Youth Day 2017. The pan-Asian meeting of youth, where participants were able to witness the unique diversity of Indonesia, is hoped to strengthen their collective commitment to achieve peace in both Asia and the world.

Michaela Ruth Gallardo from Hong Kong and Freddie Rodrigues from Timor-Leste represented more than 2,000 Asian Youth Day (AYD) 2017 participants when they delivered a joint statement in front of Vice President Jusuf Kalla, state ministers, bishops, imams and around 18,000 Catholics during AYD 2017’s closing mass at the Air Force Academy’s Dirgantara Field in Yogyakarta on Sunday (6/8/2017).
