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Englishβ€ΊA Place for Crimes

A Place for Crimes

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Kompas/Riza Fathoni

The Jakarta Police handle suspects of phone fraud cases at the Jakarta Police headquarters, Jakarta, Monday (31/7). The National Police, together with the Chinese Police, arrested 153 suspects of phone fraud in Jakarta, Surabaya, Batam and Bali, including 145 Chinese nationals and five Indonesian citizens, and seized cell phones, identity cards and other electronic devices.

Within one day, 149 Chinese citizens were arrested by the police in Sidoarjo, East Java; Jakarta; and Badung, Bali. This was not the first arrest.

According to Kompas records, arrests of Chinese citizens in Indonesia who were suspected of committing crimes happened in 2012. They allegedly committed fraud, along with Taiwanese citizens, against other Chinese citizens, through phone calls using the voice over IP network.
