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Waning Legitimacy

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ANTARA/M Agung Rajasa

The chairman of the Inquiry Committee into the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Agun Gunanjar (left), accompanied by deputy chairmen of the committee Taufiqulhadi (second left) and Masinton Pasaribu (third left), poses for a photograph with former Permai Group finance director Yulianis (right), before a hearing in Senayan, Jakarta, Monday  (24/7).

The withdrawal of the Gerindra faction from the House of Representatives Inquiry Committee into the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) at least shows that there is a “problem" in the committee.

The Gerindra faction announced its withdrawal from the inquiry committee through a letter signed by Gerindra faction chairman Ahmad Muzani and secretary Fary Djemi Francis. After being on the inquiry committee, Gerindra saw that the committee’s direction was to weaken the KPK. Gerindra had initially rejected the inquiry committee, but later sent its member to the committee and then quitting it. "Up to this point, we saw it was weakening the KPK, all the more in asking for information from corruption convicts," said Desmond J Mahesa, Gerindra deputy chairman (Kompas, 25/7).
