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Let the Law Work

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Kompas/Lasti Kurnia

House of Representatives Speaker Setya Novanto (third from left) says he will comply with the legal process in relation to being named a suspect by the KPK in the e-ID corruption case. At the press conference in Senayan, Jakarta, on Tuesday (18/7), Novanto was accompanied by his deputies,Fahri Hamzah, Fadli Zon, Agus Hermanto and Taufik Kurniawan.

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named Golkar Party Chairman Setya Novanto as a suspect in a scheme to embezzle funds earmarked for the procurement of electronic ID (e-ID) cards.

KPK Chairman Agus Rahardjo said Novanto has enriched himself, other people, or corporations in a project valued at Rp 5.84 trillion which has caused the state to suffer Rp 2.3 trillion in losses. The procurement of the e-ID cards occurred in the 2011-2013 period. Two defendants from the ranks of Home Ministry have been tried and are awaiting their verdicts.
