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Pay Attention to Public Support for KPK

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Kompas/Alif Ichwan

Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) chairman Agus Rahardjo, with PBNU chairman Said Aqil Siradj and PP Muslimat NU head of Foreign Relations Yenny Wahid (from left to right) raises his hands after holding a joint press conference at the KPK building in Jakarta on Tuesday (11/7). PBNU leaders visited the KPK to voice their support for the KPK.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS β€” Ignoring the outpouring of public support for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and public rejection of the House of Representatives (DPR) Inquiry Committee poses a great risk of the issue spiraling out of control. The government and DPR need to meet to seek a solution to save the KPK from the threat of its weakening or dissolution.

The position of the President and the steps he will take in this matter are also increasingly necessary. The reason is thata discourse on revising Law No. 33/2002 on the KPK has emerged through one of the final recommendations of the Inquiry Committee.
