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Stance of the President

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Kompas/Wisnu Widiantoro

Former Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) leaders (from left), Adnan Pandu Praja, M Zulkarnain, Taufiqurachman Ruki, Erry Riyana Hardjapamengkas, Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean and Chandra Hamzah, address reporters at the KPK building in Jakarta on Friday (7/7). In the address, they stated their support for the steps taken by the KPK.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – The key to success in the effort to eradicate corruption is in the head of state. Related to that, the stance of President Joko Widodo on the inquiry from the House of Representatives (DPR) into the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), which has the potential to weaken or even dissolve the anti-corruption institution, is very important.

"We need a strong leader who is committed to corruption eradication. It is time for the President to show his commitment to fighting corruption," said the former chairman of the KPK Taufiqurrahman Ruki.
