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No Representatives of Corruptors

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Kompas/Wisnu Widiantoro

Deputy chairman of the House special inquiry committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Risa Mariska (second left) and committee members Eddy KusumaWijaya (left), Masinton Pasaribu (third left) and Mukhammad Misbakhun share a light moment following a closed meeting at the Senayan legislative complex, Jakarta, Monday (3/7). The inquiry committee has said in a statement that it will meet with the Supreme Audit Agency, the police and corruption convicts at the Pondok Bambu and Sukamiskin penitentiaries to uncover any violations committed by the KPK.

The House of Representatives (DPR) is certainly no House of Representatives of Corruptors. "The honorable" representatives of the people are paid for by the people\'s money.

The plan of the House Inquiry Committee on the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to meet with graft convicts at a number of penitentiaries in Indonesia really disturbs the justice of the citizens, the taxpayers. As said by deputy chairperson of the inquiry committee, Risa Mariska from the Faction of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), "The inquiry committee wants to dig up information about what they felt when they were witnesses, suspects and convicted in corruption cases." Risa is the people\'s representative from the electoral district of West Java VI, which covers Bogor and Bekasi regencies, and got 25,578 votes in her electoral district.
