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Severe Traffic Congestion Anticipated

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Kemacetan arus balik di ruas Nganjuk-Saradan lebih sedikit dibanding tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Meski tetap ada kemacetan khususya ruas Surabaya-Solokle arah Surabaya, namun kemacetan tidak separah tahun-tahun sebelumnya.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS — The government and the National Police need to work on measures to anticipate potential traffic congestion after the Lebaran festivities. Without proper planning, the fact that trucks will be allowed to hit the road again on Friday (30/6) could trigger severe congestion, as could the homebound travel by millions of people.

Indonesian Transportation Society observer Djoko Setijowarno on Tuesday (27/6) said the operation of big trucks starting Friday would add to the traffic volume given their big dimensions as well as slow speeds.
