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Five-Day School Week Not Yet Urgent

ยท 1 menit baca
Kompas/Wawan H Prabowo

Students gather to hear the the results of the Regional Standard School/Madrasah Examinations at state elementary school Bendungan Hilir 12 Pagi in Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (14/6). All of the schoolโ€™s students have pass the exams and are entitled to continue their study at junior high school.

PADANG, KOMPAS โ€“ The government does not need to rush implementation of the five-day school week. Many things need to be considered beforehand, as the policy could potentially be troublesome for millions of elementary-secondary students across the country, as well as their parents.

โ€œEven if it has to be implemented, it should start with a pilot project in a specific region,โ€ said Ganefri, rector of Padang State University, West Sumatera, Wednesday (14/6).
