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National Police Chief Predicts Smooth Traffic

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Kompas/Rony Ariyanto Nugroho

Police officers at the Cikopo Integrated Post in Cikampek, West Java, Wednesday (7/6), prepare road signs for ensuring a trouble-free flow of annual exodus travelers. The National Police Chief said that his men were ready to manage traffic during the 2017 Idul Fitri exodus season.

SEMARANG, KOMPAS — National Police Chief Gen. Tito Karnavian has ensured that the long traffic congestion on the toll road that happened during the Idul Fitri homebound exodus in 2016 will not happen again this year. Traffic congestion along Java’s northern coast will decrease with the operation of the Brebes-Gringsing toll road, flyovers on Central Java’s southern route and more rest areas.

The National Police Chief made the statement during a coordination meeting on the preparation of 2017 Idul Fitri exodus at Ahmad Yani Air Base in Semarang, Central Java, on Wednesday (7/6). The meeting was attended by the Transportation Ministry’s Land Transportation Director General Pudji Hartanto, the Public Works and Public Housing Ministry’s Toll Road Operator head Herry Trisaputra Zuna, Central Java Police Chief Insp. Gen. Condro Kirono, and Pertamina president director Elia Massa Manik.
