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EnglishReturn to Nationalism

Return to Nationalism

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Kompas/Heru Sri Kumoro

Rose Pandanwangi Sudjojono, wife of celebrated painter Sudjojono, looks at his husband’s painting titled MarkasLaskar di Bekas Gudang Beras Tjikampek (Soldiers’ Headquarters at the Former Rice Warehouse in Tjikampek), which was displayed in the “17:71 Goresan Juang Kemerdekaan” State Palace art exhibition at the Indonesian National Gallery in Jakarta on Monday (1/8/2016). The exhibition, held throughout August 2016 to commemorate the 71th anniversary of the nation’s independence, displayed 28 paintings by 21 artists. President Joko Widodo opened the exhibition

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – The late, celebrated painter Sindudarsono Sudjojono truly deserves to be referred to as the “Father of Modern Indonesian Painting.” In the colonial era, Sudjojono spread the spirit of nationalism through his works. He reminded Indonesian artists to return to nationalism.

In his lifetime, Sudjojono was renowned as a multi talented artist. Apart from painting, he was also known for his skills in sketching, sculpting, and translating ideas into writings. In 1946, for instance, he wrote the book Seni Loekis, Kesenian, dan Seniman (Painting, Art and Artist).
