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EnglishGaruda Pancasila, I Am Your...

Garuda Pancasila, I Am Your Supporter

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Kompas/Riza Fathoni

Residents together with acting Jakarta Governor Djarot Saiful Hidayat and Conductor Addie MS take part in a sympathetic mass choir at City Hall, Wednesday. In an act to support inactive Jakarta governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama, who was sentenced to two years in jail by the court, the supporters sang a number of national songs and the national anthem, Indonesia Raya.

“My homeland Indonesia, land of beauty that I love dearly. My noble blood-spilled land that I adore for eternity…”

The song loudly sung by a mass of people dressed in red and white that gathered in and spilled out of Jakarta City Hall yard on Wednesday. Guided by musician and conductor Addie MS, 56, alongside acting Jakarta governor Djarot Saiful Hidayat at the terrace of City Hall, the mass of people without command simultaneously waved their hands when the song reached the words, “coconut waves.”
