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Businesses Employ Average of 3-4 Workers

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JAKARTA, KOMPAS β€” Around 1.2 million new manufacturing businesses were established in the 2006-2016 period, but they only absorbed 4 million workers. That means each business employs an average of 3-4 workers.

β€œThat’s just normal, because 99.03 percent of the manufacturing industry are micro businesses. Meanwhile, medium and big businesses only account for 0.97 percent,” Central Statistics Bureau (BPS) distribution statistic director Anggoro Dwitjahyono said in Jakarta on Friday (28/4). The number of workers at small and micro businesses in the manufacturing industry is roughly two. Meanwhile, medium and big businesses typically employ 157 workers each.

Based on the 2016 BPS Economic Census, the manufacturing industry in 2016 comprised 4.42 million businesses, with the number of workers standing at 15.99 million.
