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Political Parties Committing Suicide

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Kompas/Iqbal Basyari

Vice chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Alexander Marwata (second right) answers questions from students in a discussion entitled "Tracing the Role and Performance of the House of Representatives (DPR) in Combating Corruption" at Airlangga University’s School of Law in Surabaya, East Java, on Tuesday (4/4). The discussion was held amid the DPR\'s efforts to weaken the KPK by reintroducing the revision of a law on the anti-graft body, which uses the right of inquiry against the KPK in investigating the e-ID case.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – Political parties in the House of Representatives that support a proposal for an inquiry against the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) could be digging their own graves. Amid the enormous public support for the KPK, the proposal for a right to inquire will be detrimental to political parties.

“Political parties in the House that support the right of inquiry will suffer, because the public will see that they are putting their body on the line to protect corruptors,” Indonesian Institute of Sciences political researcher Syamsuddin Haris said in Jakarta on Wednesday (26/4).
