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Barong Kemiren, an Ancient Tradition

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Kompas/Angger Putranto

The art of Barong accompanying the parade of a bride and groom in Kemiren village, Glagah district, Banyuwangi, Wednesday (1/3). The philosophy of the barong which contains the message and belief of barong as a caster of deadly diseases makes this art live on among the people.

The barong (a mythological lion) is not just a part of the traditional art of the Osing people in Banyuwangi regency, East Java. The barong are also a symbol of how the Osing people lead their everyday lives. Barong continue to be brought to life and support the livelihood of the indigenous community.

The Kemiren village was crowded on Wednesday (1/3/2017) afternoon. The people were there to see the procession of an Osing bride and groom walking more than a kilometer from the village hall to the house of the brideโ€™s family. Apart from the bride and groom, the traditional barong art also attracted the villagers.
