Utilizing Technology to Improve Quality
Three deaf students do mental exercises before taking part in national exams at the School for Students with Disabilities (SLB) in Purwokerto, Banyumas, Central Java. The school is run by the Usaha Tama Welfare Foundation.
JAKARTA, KOMPAS β An increase in the number of participants and schools taking part in the computer-based national exams (UNBK) has been one of the benefits of the availability of infrastructure in information technology and communication in schools. However, the utilization of information technology and communication should not stop with the computer-based national exams, but has to be optimized to improve the quality of daily learning in schools.
"With the UNBK system, we know the strength and weakness of computers available in schools. The Ministry of Education and Culture strives to increase the infrastructure of technology information and communication by seeing the availability of budget," Inspector General of the Ministry of Education and Culture Daryanto said at a press conference on National Exams for Senior High Schools SMA/MA 2017 in Jakarta on Monday.