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North Korea’s Alleged Involvement Strengthens

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KUALA LUMPUR, SUNDAY — Allegations that Pyongyang was behind the murder of Kim Jong Nam have strengthened. These allegations are based on the alleged involvement of, at least, five North Korean citizens in the murder of the half brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. One suspect has been arrested and four others are on the run.

Malaysia Police deputy chief Noor Rashid Ibrahim Sunday (19/2) in Kuala Lumpur said his side was coordinating with Interpol to track down the four North Korean citizens. They reportedly entered Malaysia a few days before the fatal attack on Kim Jong Nam and left the country on the day of the murder.

Noor Rashid said the four North Koreans had been identified as Ri Ji Hyon, Hong Song Hac, O Joong Gil and Ri Jae Nam. “The four suspects hold regular passports, not diplomatic ones,” Noor Rashid said, adding the police would soon arrest them.
